Over the course of the last year EcoZoom rocket stoves have found their way into the hands of various experts across a variety of industries. We love getting our rocket stoves out to bloggers and retailers that will put our stoves through the wringer and provide a non-biased review of the stove.  With the year winding down we here at EcoZoom wanted to take a look back at all the press we received from different blogs around the web for our EcoZoom rocket stoves. Sending out or stoves for a non-biased review can be a little scary simply because you never know how your product will be received by the reviewers. Lucky for us our EcoZoom rocket stoves pass each reviewers tests with flying colors and prove to meet their needs. Some of the positive feedback we receive includes:
  • The stove arrived in good shape and had nice packaging (SHTF Preparedness)
  • Easy to use - EcoZoom rocket stoves are as simple as starting a fire with a little kindling and paper (Living Ready Online)
  • Durability - The construction of the stove is well made and built to last (P.R.E.P)
  • Ecofriendly - EcoZoom stoves don't require using or storing propane or having to worry about properly recycling pesky propane canisters (Scoutmaster CG)
  • Efficient - Ability to cook an entire meal with just a handful of sticks (Prep for SHTF)
  • Pot Skirt - This addition that comes with every stove increases efficiency and heat transfer when wrapped around the base of your pot or pan (Backdoor Survival)
  • Safety - The sides of the stove don't get hot, they get warm, which reduces risk of burns. (Homestead & Survival)
  • Nice glow from combustion chamber while camping - It's not meant light up the night sky, but when camping and cooking at night the glow from the stove is just a mesmerizing as a campfire.
We always loving hearing about the good things that people have to say about our stoves, it makes us blush. While the praise is nice, we thought it would be fun to reciprocate with our own list of praise. Below is a list of what we liked best from all the reviews we received:
  • Most Comprehensive Review: P.R.E.P - Charley at Personal Readiness Education Programs made sure to test the EcoZoom every way he could with a variety of cooking tasks. We loved reading his take on the stove, seeing the different ways he cooked on it, and the images of his dog lending a hand didn't hurt.
  • Best Rocket Stove Illustration: Scoutmaster CG - I'm not sure that we had anyone else make an illustration of how a rocket stove works, but Clarke Green at Scoutmaster CG provided some great technical information about what makes a rocket stove a rocket stove. Don't miss his video review as well.
  • Best Photography: Prep for SHTF - We had lots of great photo submissions but we really like the different angles provided by the review from Prep for SHTF, especially the wide angle lens looking down the wood fuel on the stick support.
  • Best Video: Homestead & Survival - Maybe it is the music that accompanies the review that makes the video great. Either way Homestead & Survival did a great job showcasing the EcoZoom Versa in action.
  • Favorite One-Liner: The Clymb - It may not be flattering but it made us laugh: "On first look the Dura Lite looks like a pooper bucket for a river trip". Plus, The Clymb wrote a great review of the EcoZoom Dura Lite so we can't complain.

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