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EcoZoom rocket stoves are ideal for outdoor cooking and are now available in Germany! Use them for camping, keep one in your summer house or store it for emergency preparedness. Follow this link to shop now, or continue reading to learn more!
Our new distributor in Germany was initially not sure if there was room for another rocket stove on the German market. As soon as he tested our Versa stove- he was convinced!
"I continue to regard Petromax's rocket furnace as a good product, but if I would have to choose one of the two, it would be the EcoZoom Versa!"
"The EcoZoom Versa rocket oven has a more robust feel than the Petromax. Nothing can be broken! Only 200g of charcoal boils a liter of water within 7 minutes, and keeps cooking for another 45 minutes! All this without recharging and without smoke. A commercial 2.5 kg pack of charcoal is sufficient for 12-14 long cooking cycles. In other words- buy a pack of charcoal for €3.99 and you have a fuel supply for up to two weeks."
When you purchase our stoves in more developed countries, your investment directly impacts the EcoZoom operation here in East Africa. These funds ensure that we can continue to distribute clean burning stoves to those that need them most. Women and girls spend hours daily collecting fuel and cooking on open fires. This affects the health and well being of the whole family.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing some user photos from Germany!
Visit the EcoZoom Germany shop today HERE!
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