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We would like to start with wishing you the happiest of holidays and want to take time to reflect on a great 2015 as we begin the season's celebrations with friends and families.
Good traction
This year we continued to make good traction throughout East Africa, positively touching the lives of over 1.5 million Rwandans and 150,000 Kenyans through our manufacturing and distribution efforts of our energy saving products. Worldwide we reached customers in over 19 different countries, including overcoming some serious logistics challenges to safely deliver product into dangerous locales like Syria.
New initiative
Through partnership with the UN Foundation and support from the Gatsby Foundation and Penn State University faculty, we launched our pellet fuel initiative, distributing high performance stoves and pellet fuel throughout Western Kenya and we are looking forward to expanding this program over the next several years.
Next year
We're gearing up to a great 2016 with some exciting new product introductions and look to continue upon the groundwork laid by our stellar Global and Domestic sales teams. Last year we welcomed more great people to the team and hope you all stay tuned for upcoming job openings early in the new year.
To finalize the year we would like to thank you all for your continuous support and we would like to wish you a very good 2016!
The EcoZoom team
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